What's New play
Flood situation remains grim in Telangana, A.P., The Hindu, New Delhi, Dated: 02-09-202427-08-2024
Rain lashes Gujarat, 3 dead as tractor-trolley swept away, The Hindu, New Delhi, Dated 27-08-202423-08-2024
12 killed as rain, landslips wreak havoc in Tripura, The Hindu, New Delhi, Dated: 23-08-202423-08-2024
12 Killed as rain, landslips wreak havoc in Tripura, The Hindu, New Delhi, Dated: 23-08-202423-08-2024
12 Killed as rain, landslips wreak havoc in Tripura, The Hindu, New Delhi, Dated: 23-08-202414-08-2024
140mm of rain lashed Wayanad in a single day Study,The Times of India, New Delhi, Dated 14-08-202414-08-2024
Officials Sweat As River Swells, But Not For Long, The Times of India, New Delhi, Dated 14-08-202431-07-2024
122 dead as landslides flatten Wayanad villages, The Hindu, New Delhi, Dated 31-07-202431-07-2024
Coastal Karnataka hit by rain, landslides,The Hindu, New Delhi, Dated 31-07-202426-07-2024
Heavy rain leaves six dead, 12 injured across Maharashtra, The Hindu, New Delhi, Dated 26-07-2024
Welcome To NWDA
Shri Bhopal Singh Director General NWDA
The National Water Development Agency (NWDA), was set up in July 1982 as Autonomous Society under the societies registration act 1860, to carry out the water balance and other studies on a scientific and realistic basis for optimum utilization of water resources of the Peninsular river system for preparation of feasibility reports and thus to give concrete shape to Peninsular river development component of National perspective plan prepared by Central Water Commission and the then Ministry of Irrigation (now Ministry of Jal Shakti, Department of Water Resources, River Development & Ganga Rejuvenation(DoWR, RD& GR). In the year 1990, NWDA was also entrusted with the task of Himalayan Component of National Perspective Plan. In 2006, it was decided that NWDA will explore the feasibility of intra-states links and to take up ...Read More