Peninsular component
In this component, NWDA studied in depth water balance studies of various major river basins including Mahanadi, Godavari, Krishna, Pennar, Cauvery, Vaigai, West flowing rivers of Kerala, Karnataka, north of Bombay and south of Tapi and southern tributaries of Yamuna to establish water surplus and deficit regions. These studies indicate that while Mahanadi and Godavari basins are water surplus, other basins in Peninsular India such as Krishna, Pennar, Cauvery and Vaigai are water deficit. As a next step, pre-feasibility studies for 16 probable links were carried out. Feasibility Studies of all the links under Peninsular Component have been completed except for two links namely Netravati - Hemavati and Bedti-Varda links for which the present status are as given:
- Bedti-Varada Link :
The Government of Karnataka requested NWDA to prepare the DPR of Bedti – Varada link. Accordingly, NWDA has initiated the work for preparation of DPR of Bedti – Varada link.
Bedti – Varada link proposal envisages diversion of 242 MCM of surplus waters of Bedti basin to water short Tungabhadra sub-basin to be utilized under Tungabhadra project command in Raichur district of Karnataka State. As per PFR, the proposal comprises two dams viz., Pattanadahalla on Pattanadahalla stream and Shalamalahalla on Shalamalahalla stream. The combined surpluses of Pattanadahalla and Shalamalahalla i.e. 242 MCM are proposed to be diverted from Shalamalahalla reservoir and let into a stream leading to Varada river at the end of 14.83 km long conveyance system which includes 6.8 km long tunnel. The diverted water will be lifted by 123.7 m in three stages before letting into Varada river. The requirement of power for lifting the water works out to be 61.10 MW. The preparation of the draft DPR of the link project was completed and submitted to Govt. of Karnataka in February 2022 for comments/ observations. The alternate study as suggested by the Govt. of Karnataka is in progress.
- Netravati-Hemavati :
The Government of Karnataka indicated that Government has planned Yettinhole project as such they are not in favor of taking up feasibility report of Netravati-Hemavati link.
The concurrence of Govt of Karnataka for taking up surveys & investigations for Netravati- Hemavati link is still awaited. The matter was further discussed in the 29th AGM, 61st GB and Sub-committee on consensus building on 17.10.2014, 24.03.2015 and 30.10.2015 respectively. Further studies are not taken up since after implementation of Yettinahole project by Govt. of Karnataka, no surplus water is available in Netravati basin for diversion through this link.
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