Filling up the post of Additional Chief Executive Officer ( Elect & Mech) in the Ken Betwa Link Project Authority (KBLPA), Bhopal on deputation
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Employment News paper cutting for the Engagement of Consultants on contract basis
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Advertisement for the recruitment of CONSULTANTS on contract basis
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Notice for extension of last date for the post of Superintending Engineer and Deputy Director/Executive Engineer
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Employment News paper cutting for the post of ACEO( Environment, R&R & Land Acquisition), KBLPA on deputation basis
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Corrigendum of filling up the post of Additional Chief Executive Officer ( Environment, R&R & Land Acquisition) in the Ken Betwa Link Project Authority (KBLPA), Bhopal on deputation
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Filling up the post of Additional Chief Executive Officer ( Environment, R&R & Land Acquisition) in the Ken Betwa Link Project Authority (KBLPA), Bhopal on deputation
[3.71 MB]
Employment News paper cutting for filling up the posts of Superintending Engineer and Deputy Director/Executive Engineer in National Water Development Agency on deputation basis
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Filling up the posts of Superintending Engineer and Deputy Director/Executive Engineer in National Water Development Agency on deputation basis
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Employment News paper cutting for the post of Chief Engineer Level-1 on deputation in NWDA
[1.15 MB]
- Vacancy circular for appointment on deputation (including short-term contract) basis to the post of Chief Engineer (Level-I) in National Water Development Agency (NWDA)
Employment News paper cutting for the Engagement of Young Professional
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Offer of Appointments for the Advertisement. No. 14/2023
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- Engagement of Young Professional on purely contract basis in National Water Development Agency (NWDA) Advt.No.25/2024
Advertisement for filling up of the post of Director General, published in Employment News and News paper
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Advertisement for filling up of the post of Director General in National Water Development Agency (NWDA}-regarding
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Merit list for the post of Assistant Engineer(Civil) Advertisement No.18/2023
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