NWDA has mainly 2 field Establishments for overseeing the mandated works entrusted for the Northern and Southern Regions and are respectively located at Lucknow and Hyderabad. The field organization at Hyderabad is headed by Chief Engineer (South).
As on date, under the Chief Engineer (South) organizational set up, there are 2 Investigation Circles (ICs) and are situated at Valsad, and Hyderabad. The Chief Engineer (South) is assisted by the Superintending Engineer (SE) of the concerned ICs, namely SE (Valsad) and SE (Hyderabad). The Valsad and Hyderabad ICs have 4 each Investigation Divisions (IDs) and are headed by Executive Engineers, namely EE (Valsad), EE (Nagpur), EE (Vadodara), EE (Hyderabad), EE (Bengaluru), EE (Chennai), EE (ID-I Nashik) and EE (ID-II Nashik)].